For the purpose of gaining more in-depth knowledge and understanding of the global agricultural economy, Alexander Conrad travelled through Europe, Russia, Western Asia, North America and Mexico. His discoveries about agriculture took him over five years around the Northern Hemisphere while he travelled through more than 50 countries. Travelling across the United States, Alexander explored 48 of the 50 states and got exposed to a great variety of agriculture across the continent.

Countries visited
Kilometers travelled
Months on the road
Agricultural Encounters

Travel as the best way to understand the agricultural world

Through his “Bike the Ag-World” adventure, Alexander gained a better understanding of the country-specific working methods, challenges and specialties. Through countless meetings with farmers, contractors, and industrial partners, Alexander was able to establish an extensive network of significant international contacts and learned to speak the language of farmers and manufacturers from all around the world. Travelling on a motorcycle allowed Alexander to easily getting in touch with local farmers and dealers learning about their businesses to an extent that would have been difficult as a regular business man.

Alexander experienced the harvest of the highest yields of corn in the Po-Valley of Italy as well as the San Joaquin Valley of California. Getting in touch with farmers and custom operations in totally different parts of the world granted him a unique understanding and rare perspective.

Today Alexander uses all these insights to be able to speak with every partner in the agriculture world in their language and on their terms, a skill that is very valuable when bringing together partners from all over the world.

Some pictures taken along the road.